Tuesday, July 19, 2011


It's hard these days to figure out what you want to do with your life. I myself have tried on a multitude of hats. All through college I held  various part time jobs: from feeding horses to grilling meat, night security and bookstore cashier, knitting tutor and donating plasma. My favorite was my three years working as a sales associate at Jo Ann Fabrics. My stash grew to epic proportions, meaning my salary was basically paid in fabric, I had a lot of fun, my co-workers were awesome, and I learned how to craft EVERYTHING.

After graduating college with the two equally useless degrees of a BFA in Fine Arts (Metalsmithing) and a BA in Japanese Language, I applied to teach English in Japan and got placed in the mountains of Shimane Prefecture in the tiny town of Okuizumo. It was an amazing experience, but I was lonely and missed my boyfriend who is a Japanese citizen but was working in Iowa. So, I came home, married him, and found a job to support us while he applied for US citizenship. I am currently working as an aid for people with developmental disabilities. It's a rewarding and aggravating  job that takes a lot of patience.

So what is all that life experience leading up to? Well, I am now pursuing my Masters in Social Work. I want to work with people with mental disabilities and addictions. That's my responsible side talking. My gypsy artist side wants to run off and become a tattoo artist. Seriously. I am obsessed with tattoos and tattooing. It was the subject of my senior project in college.  So, to reconcile my nurturing responsible side and my rebellious artistic side, I decided to pretend to live a normal life while quietly going rogue. I knit like crazy, and have decided to do guerrilla knitting.

Follow the adventures of a crafty vegetarian with a Japanese husband and two feline children as she prepares to make as much mischief as possible while making a difference in this crazy world.